Tuesday, January 27, 2009


SOOOO....GUESS WHAT!!!!!!...........
On Thursday I'm leaving the US of A!!!! For school though,(I'm not illegal or anything like that:) its gonna be FUNNN!!!!!! Anywayssss...right now I'm supposed to be packing but I'm not[: So, allss you that hate me enjoy your fucking time without me. I really can NOT wait!!!!! The food is supposed to be delish and the people super nice!!!! My boyfriend and I broke up something about me flirting too much or something...idk[: Anywayss, there is this new guy called Anton who is amazingly smokingly hot!!!! I had a pretty good day, my grade is in the process of choosing classes and so far I am in all HONORS!![: Which is good, my school doesn't have too many options so for electives I might choose either theater arts, art 1 or interior design...I'm not really sure because I want a study hall and can't choose all three]:

Can't wait for Thursday!!!!!!

Mood: Content&&Tired
Music: Coldplay&&&KateNash
Clothes: Robe&Slippers&Polo&Jeans

Saturday, January 24, 2009

"I will never be, never ever be"- ME

Listening to music!!!!
Lenka- Anything I'm not
-I will follow you into the dark
Nevershoutnever- 30 days
Britney Spears- Womanizer
Coldplay- In my Place
Those are just a few of my favorite songs!!!!! So, I decided to tell you readers more bout moi!!! Well...people tell me I am quiet in class and seem like the perfect student but my friends tell me to not yell and wash my mouth with soap(:
One of my friends quotes- "You use a lot of colorful words." I love colorful wordss(:
I also loveee to travel!!!! In fact on Thursday, I'm going on a trip out of the country with a few other people. I can't wait!!!!(:
I am quite the fashionista and would love to live in a city like London, I loved it there!!!! The funky cabs, history, oldness of the streets, Harrods!!! Everything!!!! I really like to shop online but anything is good for me(: Some of my favorite brands are Zara, Juicy Couture, Chanel, Kusto and Chloe are probs in my top 5!!
Well, I will now post about my day!!!

Last night this girl had a sleepover/party and it was fun!!! Her mom had made this really gooodd cake(s) and quiche!!! We watched Mean Girls and Cloverfield while sucking helium. Hehehehee I sounded like Fred(: While we were talking and prank calling- we used my cell,hehe all of the sudden there is a face in the window and we all start freaking out but...it turned out to be the neighbors CAT, lmfao. Fun...fun...fun. We stayed up talking about our lives, fashion, europe, boys, people and selena gomez. I had a lot of fun!!! We stayed up till like 5 in the morning haha.

Julia- The Beatles

Mood: Content
Music: TheBeatles&Madonna
Clothes: Long Stanford tee and fuzzy socks

Thursday, January 22, 2009

1.22.09- Thursday...YAY FRIDAY IS TOMMOROW

Bonjour!!! Je suis tres desole that I haven't posted in the longest time!!! To fill you in...a little bit after the post I went on vaca to ocean reef in the keys(super awesomee), I got tons of stuff from fam(gift cards, juicy stuff, clothes etc.), there were hot guys at the keys! but since they said hows it going my sister, cousin and I had to start yelling obscenities whenever we were near them like fag-ass and of the sort LMFAO. Sorry, I swear a lot!!!

Anywayss, today I'll start from the beginning. In science class we had to watch this grand canyon movie that pretty much showed rivers and some weird indian music so I like to a tiny nap(:

Then in American Cultures it was more fun but my computer(we have mini-laptops) went haywire and I ended up have 115 internet explorer windows opened!!! Also, this one girl who moved from South Carolina(somwhere south) to here is going to cyber school!!! I know it sounds weird but she threw pencils at people and spit on people sweater(Poor Olivia):

Then I had algebra!!Ewww!! You see, my math teacher is weirddd, the teacher who talks about her stepson and abstenince with us and who puts on ointment in the middle of class...on her feet!!!! No one really likes her....

Then I had study hall and I just finished some algebra/french homework but pretty much just talked with some peopless.

Lunch was funn to Monique was yelling as usual...Emily had food stuck in between her braces....Kelly didn't eat her carrots as usual....Julianna gave me her junk food....as usual. My parents are health nuts!!!!

Then I had English): My teacher has only been teaching for 2 years!!!(this is her second) She is such a pushover and can never make up her mind!!!!! but...I sit with good people so I just chat on google(:

Then I had blah blah blah then French which sucked because I had a unit test!!!! but I got a 100%. I knew because I was one of the first peeps done along with this other guy who is really mean but sort of nice and I had to go with him and put the things in the scantron machine(we messed up the first time...)

After school, I met up at the mall with some friends and had us a starbucks and some sconesss...yummmm Then I had piano and after piano I had an excercise class with Master Kim which was boringgg.

Then I got home went on FB, polyvore, wikipedia etc. Then I went to go write this blog and will write more when the day endss.

I finished with my devoirs!!!! I had 6 algebra problems that were easyyy!!! Dinner was goodd, I had some grilled chicken, salad and awesome eggplant!!! Well, my parents are probs gonna start yelling at me to go to bed even thought its only nine!!! I'll try to write more!!!!!

Julia of the shizzle

Mood: Content
Clothes: Field day t-shirt and shorts
Music: BrigitteBardot&Cure

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Firsttt Posttt<3

Yolaa!! Its Julia in the houseee. This is my first postt but don't expect them often-super busyy. Anyway a bit about moi. I live in a special little place up north and have four bestiess. Juliannaa(awesomee) Kelly(chilll) Emily(funnn) Monique(Hiiilariousss). I have three annoying siblingss one a twin called Raquell. We're fraternalll. None of this will be made up like other blogss.

I play field hockey, karate, and run. I musically play the pianoo): I want to either do something in medicine when I grow up or in fashion. I'm not really sure at this point. I am completely fluent in spanish, catalan and am almost fluent at french(except writing). I am a pretty good student, call me a nerddd(: You'll learn more bout me as you read my posts...(:

Remember to comment and followww

Mood: Happy
Clothes: Jeans, long sleeved tee and socksss